Thursday, October 28, 2010

Preliminary Draft of Advising FAQ

General Arts and Sciences questions:

  1. What college is Sociology in?
    1. Arts and Sciences!
  2. What GPA do I need to get into Arts and Sciences?
    1. 2.0;  see more details at:
      1. Arts and sciences academic status:
  3. Where can I get more info on Arts and Sciences at OU?

Sociology and Criminology Major questions:

  1. How do I become a Soc / Crim major?
    1. Apply!  If your GPA meets the Arts and Sciences requirements, you can simply apply to Soc / Crim.
  2. What jobs to people get with a Soc / Crim major?
    1. Lots of different types of careers
      1. A map of jobs:
      2. Source data for map (ASA):
  3. When should I take my requirements?
    1. Talk to your advisor, but in the meantime, here are some general suggestions.
    2. First year course suggestions:    
      1. Intro
      2. Tier I (Math, English, Language)
      3. Tier II’s  
      4. Soc 260 (criminal justice; for crim majors)
      5. Statistics (psych 221, or next year)
    3. Second year:  
      1. Language (finish year two)
        1. Study abroad over summer?
      2. Tier II’s
      3. 200 level sociology  (or soc 360; from crim majors)
      4. Stats (psych 221)
      5. Sociological Theory (403, 404)
        1. (Will be renumbered to soc 3000 in semesters)
    4. Third year:
      1. Finish Tier II
      2. English “J” course
      3. Research methods  (Soc 351 / 3500)
      4. Soc electives; criminology electives
    5. Fourth year:
      1. Soc and crim electives
      2. Soc/Crim Captstone (406, 406a / 4950)
      3. Electives
  4. Where can I get more info like this to plan my courses?
    1. Your advisor!
    2. Course planning excel sheet:
  5. Should I get a double major?
    1. Yes!
    2. No!
    3. Depends.   What do you actually want to learn?
    4. Beware that double majoring across colleges is difficult because you have to fulfill different college level reguirements.
      1. Sociology + Communication, for instance, is difficult
      2. Sociology + Political Science, is more doable
  6. Post more questions in the comments. . .

Quarter to Semester transition:

  1. When does the transition happen?
    1. FAll of 2012 is the first Semester at OU.
  2. When will DARS first be shown in “semester format”?
    1. Spring quarter of 2011.
  3. How should I manage my language requirements?
    1. Ideally, you should complete your language in full year increments (i.e.  make sure you have either three or six quarters done by end of spring of 2011).
    2. Transition courses will be available, but generally, it will be easier to get courses done in full year increments before the transition.
  4. How will Arts and Science distribution requirements change?
    1. In semesters you will need three courses in each area rather than 4.
      1. Three Natural Science courses
      2. Three Social Science courses (non Sociology)
      3. Three Humanities courses   
      4. Plus two additional courses in any area!
        1. For instance: in addition to i-iii above, two more courses in social science.
  5. Do I still need to take two classes from the same program?
    1. No!  Your three courses can be from different programs
    2. For instance:  one course from each of political science, economics, and history would make a fine set of three courses.
  6. Will soc majors still need to take courses from 4 different areas of sociology? (social psychology, inequality, institutions, etc.?)
    1. No!
    2. But you will need to take a capstone course.
  7. When should I take theory?
    1. Earlier than you think.  After the Q2S transition, theory will be a pre-req for research methods.  (It will also move to a 3000 level course)
  8. Should I avoid taking statistics as long as possible?
    1. No!    Crank it out as soon as you can.   
  9. Should I wait to finish by Tier II breadth requirements till after the Q2S transition?
    1. No!   You can get your breadth requirements done faster under quarters than under semesters, so get em done ASAP.
  10. Should I take classes in summer or Winter Intersession to make sure I get things done before the transition?
    1. Sure!   If it helps you complete your language or other linked courses, get them done before the transition happens.    
  11. Will there be transition courses (temporary courses that academic units may offer so that students can complete a degree requirement by enrolling in part of a semester course)?  
    1. Yes, as needed. For example, a year long sequence of three quarters that becomes a two semester sequence will have a transition course to enable students that missed the first half of the second quarter to complete the first semester without taking it all. Likewise, there will be a transition course where a student has taken the first two quarters, consisting of the last two-thirds of the second semester. Where, two quarter courses have been combined such that material has been dropped, a student in good standing, will need special arrangements made to enable them to complete the requirements of their quarter-based degree program.
  12. Post further questions in the comments.

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